[free-sklyarov] Big Brother is watching you

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Mon Jul 23 21:58:34 PDT 2001

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 11:55:45PM -0500, Joe Barr wrote:
> Why is he still in jail?  I mean, why hasn't he been bailed out?  Do
> our laws allow the FBI to just disappear someone by virtue of their
> arrest?  Is due process an antiquated notion?

It would undoubtably help his chances at making bail if a judge set
bail for everyone's favorite defendant, rather than not letting him
out on bail at all.

 Matthew Parrella, a federal prosecutor in Las Vegas, said a judge on
 Monday decided to hold Sklyarov without bail until his hearing in
 California some time in the next two weeks. "The court deemed him a
 risk of non-appearance, which is not uncommon with white collar
 criminals," Parrella said.

It would undoubtably help your understanding if you read news coverage
of the case.


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