[free-sklyarov] WTO + WIPO = DMCA

Jon O . jono at microshaft.org
Mon Jul 23 23:07:02 PDT 2001

Ask yourself: Which comes first the Rights of the Individual or the Corporation?

If you said individual, you're right. Now what is the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) doing passing laws in the US? Read on.


Why did Congress pass the DMCA?

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) drafted an international treaty that requires signatory nations to enforce particular rights in their own laws. Some believed that further U.S. legislation was necessary to implement U.S. adherence to the treaty. The result was the DMCA. That is why it is sometimes referred to as the WIPO Treaty Implementing Legislation. 
How is the DMCA related to the WTO?

The World Trade Organization (WTO) meets once a year to discuss policy and law. These policies and laws must be enacted by the signatory Nations. People all over the world meet during WTO meetings to protest Globalization. Why? Well, there are many reasons. But know this - they are making laws and signing treaties without your input. The DMCA is a result of one of these treaties. Here in the US the arrests and cases on this site are just the first effects of these meetings. Take a look at this

So how does this effect me?

Look to history for your answer. Quite some time ago, our leaders met to discuss policy and create laws. These laws became The Constitution of the United States of America. If you have reviewed our Cases section you will see that our laws are being changed to accomodate the laws passed by the (WTO). Dmitry Sklyarov is in jail
because of these laws. Professor Felten has been silenced by these laws.

What is the Digital Millenium Copyright Act?

Copyright, in the United States, is an attempt to maximize the intellectual resources available to all. People who create works - literature, art, software programs, music, and others - are given a limited right to keep people from making unauthorized copies of their work. This allows them to sell copies for a profit and provides a financial incentive to create more works.


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