[free-sklyarov] Thank You All!
freesk at hackhawk.net
Tue Jul 24 00:25:13 PDT 2001
I think there's nothing hypocritical about how the EFF behaved. Whether
intentional or not, the EFF achieved two things with thier backing out of
supporting the protests/rallies. They secured the meeting with Adobe most
likely because of this stance. Yet it was done in just the right way to
keep the protests on for backup support.
Adobe believes the EFF has acted in good faith, yet the protests added the
support they may have really needed. Its a classic case of Good Cop/Bad
Cop. We were the Bad Cop(s). ;-)
Good Job to all of us working together!!!
- hh
At 10:40 PM 7/23/01 -0700, Robin Gross wrote:
>I believe that we are on the same side - even if we may disagree on tactics.
>No offense taken :)
>At 09:29 PM 7/23/2001 -0700, Derek Balling wrote:
>>No offense, but this coming from the organization that claimed they
>>"could not support the protesting"?
>>This seems a little... I dunno... hypocritical.
>>I understand that the end result was good, but to imply that "the
>>protestors" and "the EFF" were any kind of "team" is definitely (as far
>>as I can tell) not the case at all. The EFF tries now to skate through
>>the best of both worlds, disavowing themselves of the protestors and
>>hanging them out to dry, and now claiming they were "part of the team"
>>and a part of some "combined energy".
>>Pick a side of the fence and stay on it. :)
>>At 9:15 PM -0700 7/23/01, Robin Gross wrote:
>>>Thank you all for organizing so quickly and focusing your support so
>>>effectively in this shared effort to free Dmitry and repeal this harmful
>>>Act of Congress.
>>>I wish I could express how grateful we were at while at Adobe in the
>>>negotiations today to be able to see the public supporters outside.
>>>There is no question that it made all the difference in the day's
>>>outcome. This applies equally to both those who were right outside the
>>>window as well as from protesters all over the world.
>>>Today's victory belongs to you folks.
>>>This experience clearly shows that when we focus our combined energy we
>>>can get results. Now the DOJ and Robert Mueller must be convinced its
>>>not in their best interests to pursue this prosecution.
>>>Thank you,
>>| dredd at megacity.org | "Conan! What is best in life?" |
>>| Derek J. Balling | "To crush your enemies, see them |
>>| | driven before you, and to hear the |
>>| | lamentation of their women!" |
>Robin D. Gross - Cyberspace Attorney @ Law
>Electronic Frontier Foundation
>454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
>e: robin at eff.org w: http://www.eff.org
>p: 415.863.5459 f: 415.436.9993
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>free-sklyarov at zork.net
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