[free-sklyarov] Congress says: Keep Dmitry in jail! Washington loves DMCA...

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Wed Jul 25 11:45:12 PDT 2001

On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 10:21:51AM -0700, Ethan Straffin wrote:
> This woman is a menace to society.  Yahoo! Internet Life once called her
> one of the five least net-friendly members of Congress, and wrote,
> "Feinstein arguably has done more than any other senator to censor and
> regulate the Net. She repeatedly has attempted to ban bomb-making
> information, even though courts have ruled it's legal to publish it. She
> tried to make it a crime to discuss marijuana growing online -- or to link
> to drug related Web sites. And she has suggested banning encryption
> software that federal law enforcement officials can't monitor. It's not
> that anyone is for bomb-making or drug links, but that Feinstein's
> ham-fisted approach would be overly far-reaching."

Ah, yes. I think I wrote that article.

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