[free-sklyarov] Adobe side of EFF/Adobe negotiations.
Ilya V. Vasilyev
ath at limm.mgimo.ru
Wed Jul 25 15:53:49 PDT 2001
Hi, All!
Я переводил сообщение EFF о переговорах с Adobe сразу же после публикации.
Ниже описываются результаты с другой стороны -- то, как Adobe описывает
переговоры и достигнутые результаты. Возможно, что это сообщение было
разослано по всем деловым контактам Adobe.
Пока Дмитрий не на свободе, а Adobe не компенсировала моральный ущерб семье
Дмитрия, у меня есть некая брезгливость в отношении этой "фирмы". Поэтому
простите, переводить их слова я не буду.
И только из уважения к людям, не знающим английский, сообщу -- там то же
самое, что нам гораздо оперативнее сообщил Фонд Электронного Фронтира плюс
тупые высказывания, что ублюдочный DMCA защищает непонятно чьи права.
Эмоции мои.
- - -
Ilya V. Vasilyev
Civil Hackers' School
Moscow Center +7(095)162-4767
Monday, Adobe met with officials from the Electronic Frontier Foundation
(EFF) to better understand their concerns and explore ways to resolve
issues surrounding the arrest of Dmitry Sklyarov while preserving Adobe
its customers' copyrights. This meeting covered concerns about this
and while we strongly support the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
and the enforcement of copyright protection of digital content,
prosecuting Mr. Sklyarov in this particular case is not conducive to the
best interests
of any of the parties involved or the industry. It has always been
goal to have ElcomSoft stop selling the Advanced eBook Processor
and this has happened.
As a result of our meeting today, Adobe and the EFF issued a joint press
release recommending the release of Dmitry Sklyarov from federal
Adobe is also withdrawing its support for the criminal complaint against
Mr. Sklyarov. The press release is attached for your reference.
The criminal complaint against Mr. Sklyarov has been, and continues to
in the hands of the US Attorney's office and it is up to them as to how
they choose to proceed. While we are not interested in supporting the
prosecution of this case, Adobe will continue to protect its copyright
interests and those of its customers.
Security is an ongoing effort at Adobe and the company is committed to
strengthening the security of its products. Regarding the Acrobat eBook
Reader, the company continues to make changes to the encryption scheme
the current version the software. Adobe will continue its Web
of compromised eBooks in Adobe PDF. Reports continue show no compromised
eBooks on FTP, web sites or popular peer-to-peer networks.
In conclusion, Adobe extends its gratitude for your patience and
Adobe strongly believes in copyright protection for digital content and
will continue to support technology standards bodies, government
and publishing industry associations in enforcing copyright protection
the Internet. We also look forward to continuing the good work of the
digital rights management standards group in the OeBF (Open eBook Forum)
security and encryption issues.
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