[free-sklyarov] US law break? (from digest)

D. C. LeFevre dlefevre at iupui.edu
Wed Jul 25 19:48:30 PDT 2001

At 07:36 PM 7/25/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <jenn at simegen.com>
>To: <free-sklyarov at zork.net>
>Sent: 26. juli 2001 04:17
>Subject: [free-sklyarov] What did he do IN THE US that was 'wrong'?
>His program was sold over the internet.
>And it was also available for US citizens, so they bought it.
>I guess that's partially why he was arrested.

When France or some other E.U. country tries this, the U.S. gets angry!  In 
those cases, we claim that they are intruding on our jurisdiction and that 
laws that should apply depend on where the server is housed.

Of course, in pure American fashion, we forget we made this assertion when 
the tables are turned.

BTW, the E.U. no longer takes this stance.  They now believe the French 
anti-Nazi Yahoo ruling was incorrect.

-- davey

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D. C. LeFevre
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
School of Informatics
New Media Program

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