[free-sklyarov] Status of SF Meeting

Tabinda N. Khan tabindak at best.com
Thu Jul 26 02:32:24 PDT 2001

Quoting Nick Moffitt:
> The Flier is to be based on Tabinda's original Adobe sheet, which Kris
> has offered to fix up for the adobeless event being planned.  We
> agreed that it should cover basic points, not get into technical
> detail or tenuous analogies, and give the URL for more info.  Passing
> these out at the Civic Center or Montgomery stations is a big win.

Maybe I misunderstood, but I just spent the evening re-doing
the flyer, so Kris doesn't need to do it. Also, I thought we
had Don down for working on the press kit in addition to
calling the press.



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