[free-sklyarov] Re: UK Free-Sklyarov Mailing List
Seth David Schoen
schoen at loyalty.org
Thu Jul 26 11:20:00 PDT 2001
Some of these things are no longer true:
Anton Chterenlikht writes:
> So, instead of making the civil case IAdobe vs Elcomsoftf they?ve chosen the
> most vulnerable person available who was Dmitry (probably if Dmitry would go
> there with his family they would arrest his wife and children instead of him!).
I doubt that -- it's hard to convince the FBI that they broke the law.
> Just think about this: Dmitry is innocent (even Adobe recognised this and
> finally, after a strong pressure from many people and organisations around the
> world said that he should be released from the federal custody).
Adobe didn't agree that he's innocent, just that prosecuting him is
not in their best interests. I agree with them that prosecuting him
is not in their best interests, but unfortunately that might be
because it has been turning the public and their customers against
Adobe and against the DMCA.
> So, he is innocent and.. he is in jail, in a foreign country, with poor English,
> far away from his family (his wife Oxana and the two children, son Egor, 2.5
> years old and daughter Polina, only 3 mohths old, they have no money to visit
> him even if they will be allowed. At present they aren?t).
Now: his family have received "numerous" offers for the full cost of a
trip to Las Vegas or the Bay Area. Aside from individual pledges of
$20-$100, several individuals have simply offered to underwrite the
entire cost personally.
Everyone who has spoken to or corresponded with Oksana Sklyarov,
including EFF officials and colleagues of Dmitry Sklyarov, has gotten
the same reply: Ms. Sklyarov _does not wish to come to the United
> There is no reliable information about his whereabouts; no one knows where and
> when he?ll turn out next.
This situation has been improving: lawyers and his family have been in
contact with him at the jail in Las Vegas where he's held. Although
the Federal Marshals could move him, lawyers and his family would be
able to infer that that had happened, and apparently we even know
which jails in Santa Clara County he might end up in. He would only
be out of touch for a short time in transit between jails.
> How can it be explained that Russian consul still (after 10 days) haven?t got a
> permission to see Dmitry
I don't believe that any of their requests have been refused.
> Finally I would like to repeat the words of two of the leading British
> scientists.
> Alan Cox, the leading developer of Linux operating system said:
The lead developer is Linus Torvalds; Alan Cox is "second-in-command".
Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Lending, printing, copying, giving
Temp. http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | and text-to-speech are permissions
down: http://www.loyalty.org/ (CAF) | enabled by the publisher. -- Adobe
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