[free-sklyarov] Counter-Terminology

Tony Abou-Assaleh tabouass at math.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jul 26 13:29:14 PDT 2001

> 1) Copy controlled media
> 2) Usage controlled media
> 3) Crippled media (My suggestion)
> 4) Access-restricted media
> 5) Access-limited media
> 6) Unproductive format/media/etc.
> 7) Disabled media.
8) Supervised media

The media comes with a supervisor -- a program that decides what to allow
you to do and what not. Disobeying the supervisor may result in
imprisonment. Sneaking away from the supervisor is in violation of
DMCA. Worst of all, you have to pay for your supervisor.


Tony Abou-Assaleh                           
Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L 3G1
Office:  DC2503
Phone:   (519) 888-4567 Ext. 3399
Email:   taa at acm.org
-----------------------[THE END]---------------------

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, DeBug wrote:

> Control-featured media
> (when manufacturer inserted control features in it)
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  DeBug                            mailto:debug at centras.lt
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