[free-sklyarov] Re: A press release on your website

David Haworth david.haworth at altavista.net
Fri Jul 27 07:13:24 PDT 2001

Dear Ms. Gwiazdowski,

Thank you for your prompt reply to my earlier email. However,
I think you did not bother to read the message. I was not
justifying the circumvention (if any) done by Mr. Sklyarov,
I was merely pointing out some inaccuracies in your press release.

> AAP stands by its press release of July 22 supporting the anticircumvention
> provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and commending the
> Department of Justice for acting on its responsibility to enforce the DMCA
> in the matter of Dmitry Sklyarov. 

If the AAP is willing to stand by an inaccurate press release,
even after those inaccuracies have been pointed out, then I
don't hold much hope of them producing accurate text books.

> In response to those who attempt to justify circumventing, or trafficking in
> devices that circumvent, encryption and other technological measures that
> protect copyright in the digital environment,  AAP urges them to carefully
> consider how their arguments would apply to precisely the same activities in
> connection with encryption and other technological measures used to protect
> privacy in that same environment. 

I did not attempt to justify circumvention, but since you have
raised the matter, I'll reply: If I published the mechanism and
keys to access my private data, I'd expect someone to read it.
That's precisely why it is important to keep these secrets
secret. If you don't want the secrets analysed and discussed,
you shouldn't publish them for all to see in the form of a program
for a personal computer. But then you'd probably wouldn't
sell any ebooks.

Now please read my original message.


David Haworth

David Haworth
Baiersdorf, Germany
david.haworth at altavista.net

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