[free-sklyarov] Hacker or Not?

Len Sassaman rabbi at quickie.net
Fri Jul 27 09:40:26 PDT 2001

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> But people who *describe themselves* as hackers are part of this story.
> Defcon, where Sklyarov was arrested, brags it's the world's largest
> hacker gathering, 2600, the heretofore most prominent case, calls
> itself the hacker quarterly, 2600 reps have been involved with the
> Free Dmitry movement, even going to Ashcroft's press conference, and
> the hacker underground is adding fuel to these protests.

FYI, you are a tad confused about the Ashcroft press conference. There
were two "activists" handing out information at the press conference; one
of them happened to be a 2600 member. This wasn't a 2600-sponsored event.


1) John Young discovers the press conference is occuring, emails the
cypherpunks list.

2) Pablos reads this, emails the dmitry-plan list.

3) I declare that we should leaflet the conference.

4) Macki volunteers to write the letter to Ashcroft.

5) Shari Steele works on the letter, signs it.

6) Macki and I show up, almost get in to the actual conference, and when
we're turned away, distribute information to the press after the

You could just as easily say this was a Shmoo action, a Cypherpunk action,
an EFF action, or a CryptoRights Foundation action as you could say it was
a 2600 action.

I call it a "Free Dmitry" action.


Len Sassaman

Security Architect            |
Technology Consultant         |  "Let be be finale of seem."
http://sion.quickie.net       |           --Wallace Stevens

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