Next Event? (was Re: [free-sklyarov] Chicago Protest Report)

Klepht klepht at
Mon Jul 30 17:16:52 PDT 2001

>>>>> "PAP" == Peter A Peterson <pedro at> writes:

    PAP> We'll probably take a week or two off -- I think that we can
    PAP> organize a better, more coherent protest as well as muster up
    PAP> more returners (we had about half totally new people today)
    PAP> if we make a little breathing room before the next
    PAP> protest.

Talking today after the event, some of us here in SF think we can make an
_even_bigger_ event with a little more lead time (e.g., more than 3
business days). None of us want him to be in prison that long, but
it's probably the best to start planning around that kind of lead

Of course, the challenge is to keep Dmitry in the public eye during
that time. Perhaps doing some work to get statements from prominent
friendly organizations over those N weeks (e.g., American Library
Association, academic freedom organizations, ACLU, Amnesty) would keep
Dmitry's name in the news until the next big event.

As usual, it seems like we make more of a splash when we synch up our
events across the country. I'm wondering if maybe setting up an
IRC-based "global summit" of protest groups (maybe on Wednesday
night?) to pick a good date say 2-3 weeks from now would make sense.

Also, I think there's opportunities for smaller events -- leafletting,
hitting legislators' offices, etc. -- in that time, too.



klepht at

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