[free-sklyarov] Fax campaign: was Mueller asked about Sklyarov or DMCA today?

Christopher R. Maden crism at maden.org
Tue Jul 31 01:14:43 PDT 2001

At 01:06 31-07-2001, Branden Robinson wrote:
>I presume C-SPAN covered the entirety of Ashcroft's

YM "Mueller".  HTH.

>confirmation hearings
>today, but I was unable to watch it.  News reports that I have seen make no
>mention either of Dmitry or DMCA.

No, the press coverage hasn't focused on it either.  Given that the FBI has 
plenty of housecleaning to do, and that Mueller wasn't involved with 
Dmitry's arrest at all (according to the EFF), I wouldn't count on any, 
either.  Perhaps we can get Boucher to bring it up, but he's not on the 
Judicial Committee, AFAIK.

David Shapiro: You know what you doing.  Free Dmitry!  For great justice.
<URL: http://www.freesklyarov.org/ >
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