[free-sklyarov] Re: [DMCA_discuss] Hollings Schedules SSSCA Hearings October 25

Christopher R. Maden crism at maden.org
Fri Oct 19 14:16:53 PDT 2001

At 10:48 19-10-2001, Tom wrote:
>On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 08:37:01AM -0700, tom poe wrote:
> > > I propose a three month boycott of all Disney products, beginning the day
> > > of the hearing (Oct 25th) and lasting until January 25th. This should 
> hurt
> > > them significantly (if enough people are involved) since they will 
> miss out
> > > on all Christmas sales etc.

Good luck.  The Southern Baptists have been boycotting Disney for years 
over their same-sex partner benefits and general friendliness towards 
queers.  There are a lot more of them than there are angry nerds, and 
Disney hasn't even flinched.

If you do go about this, remember that it means no ESPN or ABC, and that 
you tell the advertisers so, and why.  And no Mighty Ducks games, either.


Oh, and BTW, since I'm posting anyway - Free Sklyarov activists have 
declared candidacies for next year, myself for State Assembly, which 
doesn't affect things much, and Ira Victor Spivack for Congress from the 
California 8th Congressional District.
Libertarian candidate, California State Assembly, District 13
Free Sklyarov: <URL: http://www.freesklyarov.org/ >
Freelance text nerd: <URL: http://www.maden.org/ >
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