[free-sklyarov] getting physical

Erik Moeller moeller at scireview.de
Mon Sep 10 13:07:37 PDT 2001

On 10 Sep 2001, at 15:39, Clark C . Evans wrote:

> Construct a device (physical) which somehow
> encrypts via enclosure

You don't need to circumvent encryption to violate the DMCA. Use a 
box, with an eyeslit, that contains a book, but also has a lock. 
Breaking the lock, even if you own the box, is illegal. If you want 
to enhance the effect, give the box a coinslot which opens the 
eyeslit for 10 seconds only. And make the book Alice in Wonderland.


Scientific Reviewer, Freelancer, Humanist -- Berlin/Germany
Phone: +49-30-45491008 - Web: <http://www.humanist.de/erik>
The Origins of Peace and Violence: <http://www.violence.de>

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 - Douglas Engelbart

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