[free-sklyarov] OPEN LETTER: Tragedy followed by travesty. (fwd)

Edmund A. Hintz ed at hintz.org
Fri Sep 14 12:29:48 PDT 2001

On 9/14/01 11:57 AM, jlane at redhat.com thus spake:

>We may be a mixed lot, full of whiners, full of softies, full of people
>who generally do not care one way or another, full of apathy and lethargy,
>but NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING provokes the unification and strenght of
>the people of the United States than attacking us.
>sorry.. just had to throw my 2 cents in...

Political infighting and nationalism does nothing to free Dmitry.

free-sklyarov at zork.net


americans-rock at zork.net

All Dmitry, all the time. I was asked privately if I really expected we 
could discuss Dima at a time like this. I don't know if we can. But if we 
can't, what we CAN do is carry our offtopic conversations offline or to a 
more worthy forum.

Translation: if you ain't got something topical to say, don't say 
anything at all. Can we now consider this expired equine mammal to be 
once and for all thoroughly flagellated, and allow it to rest in peace? 


Edmund A. Hintz              **|**     "You may say I'm a dreamer,
Mac Techie, Unix Geek,      *  |  *      But I'm not the only one...
Mac/Unix Consultant        *  /|\  *     I hope someday you'll join us,
<ed at hintz.org>              */ | \*      And the world will live as one.
'78 Westy                    *****      Imagine."

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