[free-sklyarov] OPEN LETTER: Tragedy followed by travesty. (fwd)

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Fri Sep 14 12:40:21 PDT 2001

Charles Eakins writes:

> You confuse Patriotism with Nationalism.  And Dmitry's plight is very
> insignificant at this point and time to most American Patriots, he's not
> dead.

American Patriots who don't want to talk about Dmitry Sklyarov should
find another list; those who do are welcome here.

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Its really terrible when FBI arrested
Temp.  http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | hacker, who visited USA with peacefull
down:  http://www.loyalty.org/   (CAF) | mission -- to share his knowledge with
     http://www.freesklyarov.org/      | american nation.  (Ilya V. Vasilyev)

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