[free-sklyarov] Pictures of FreeSklyarov protest in Russian press.

Ilya V. Vasilyev _ath_ at mail.ru
Tue Dec 3 04:57:28 PST 2002

Hi, All!

In the latest weekly (December, N49(448)) magazine "TV-Park" (circ.320,400)
I have found two photoes from FreeSklyarov actions:

1.  Los-Vegas (DEF CON?) protest with five good signs (FREE DMITRY
SKLYAROV with Dmitry photo, DROP THE CHARGE, nice woman with

2. Moscow protest!  Three of us, with CD-ROMS and good  cyrillic slogan
"Mind Freedom = Code Freedom;"

There are also photoes from Johnny-Mnemonic, The Net, SwordFish and so on..

Sorry, have no scanner to publish in the Net. :(

-- -- --
Ilya V. Vasilyev
Civil Hackers' School
Moscow Center, +7(095) 963-3916
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard M. Smith" <rms at computerbytesman.com>
To: <free-sklyarov at zork.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 7:00 PM
Subject: [free-sklyarov] Straining digital copyright law, junior paper
exposes protection flaws in CDs

> http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2002/11/21/news/6433.shtml
> Straining digital copyright law, junior paper exposes protection flaws
> in CDs
> Princetonian Senior Writer
> Photo by Gabriel Fossati
>     As senior computer science major Alex Halderman '03 was presenting
> his junior paper to a room of scientists Monday, he was thinking about
> his future career. Being sued by the music industry was further from his
> mind.
>     Halderman said he could possibly be sued for violating the Digital
> Millennium Copyright Act by presenting his spring JP at the ACM
> Conference on Computer & Communication Security in Washington.
>     Halderman's paper explains how some companies have protected CDs
> from being copied by computers.
>     Concern over a DMCA lawsuit until now has been reserved for just
> some of the University's faculty, notably computer science professor
> Edward Felten.
>     But what separates Halderman even from the professors - in the
> unlikely event that he is sued - is that the University might provide
> him with legal defense, Halderman said.
>     "I've been given assurances that the University would help me if I
> were sued for breaking the DMCA," he said. This would be an
> unprecedented and controversial move for the University if it were to
> happen.
>     The DMCA prohibits circumvention of copy-protection technologies,
> such as encryption and digital watermarking. The copy-protection system
> that Halderman examined is an exploit of existing flaws in computer
> software.
>     Because those technologies constitute a major focus area in computer
> science, some say the DMCA prohibits legitimate academic research.
>     "That makes the DMCA problematic for universities and other
> institutions," Wilson School professor Christopher Eisgruber said in an
> email.
>     The DMCA is the same law that put peer-to-peer file sharing programs
> - such as Napster, Gnutell and Kazaa - on the judicial radar.
>     Also as a result of the DMCA, the University's radio station WPRB
> will face higher royalties for webcasting.
>     Halderman - a 'Prince' associate photo editor - said he would have
> written his JP differently if there were no DMCA.
>     In the past, to show the weaknesses in a security system, one would
> write a program to break it. "That would be a proof," he said.
>     But since the DMCA was passed in 1998, creating such a proof can be
> illegal.
>     Instead, Halderman said he was careful to explain why the CDs'
> copy-protection system is inherently weak, without providing a recipe
> for circumventing it.
>     In 2001 Felten received a letter from the music industry allegedly
> threatening a DMCA lawsuit in response to research he and others had
> done.
>     The threatening letter never became a lawsuit. But following
> Felten's troubles, the University faculty voted to establish a committee
> on threats to academic freedom by legal intimidation, chair of the
> committee and physics professor Edward Groth said in an email.
>     Groth said the committee will be finalizing a report to the dean of
> the faculty's office next month.
>     The University has provided indemnification - legal defense - for
> students and faculty in the past, when they were performing a certain
> function for the University, such as serving on the Honor Committee,
> General Counsel Peter McDonough said.
>     Indemnification was originally designed only to protect the highest
> officers of the University from suits related to their roles, he said.
>     Protecting researchers for the sake of research is more than just
> rare, he added. "It is unheard of."
>     McDonough's office recommends cases of indemnification to the
> president, who holds the authority of granting indemnification.
>     "Once you get indemnification and once the University controls your
> defense, all of the sudden the decisions . . . are not necessarily the
> individuals," he said.
>     McDonough added that he would not want to see his office become the
> de facto clearinghouse for research papers.
>     If his office were to deny a researcher recommendation for
> indemnification, McDonough said, then some might see the office as
> censoring the student or faculty member.
>     Groth said, "Technology has completely changed the landscape."
>     The DMCA was created to prevent technology from making copyrights
> moot. But the law itself is unusual.
>     Halderman's JP adviser, Professor Andrew Appel '81, said the DMCA
> gives "a hook on which to hang a reasonably credible threat" - even if
> that threat would be unlikely to hold up in court.
>     "One has to explicitly be prepared to deal with the possibility of
> these threats of lawsuits," he said.
>     Without a team of defense lawyers at a researcher's disposal, facing
> a threat may not be feasible. Some researchers might be forced to choose
> a less risky path by not doing the research at all.
>     Halderman called that the "chilling effect" of the DMCA. Though
> Halderman said it is unlikely that he would be sued, he said he plans to
> continue his research, which could cause more conflict with the act.
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