No subject
Fri Jul 8 22:00:42 PDT 2005
> (2) As used in this subsection -
> (A) to ''circumvent protection afforded by a technological
> measure'' means avoiding, bypassing, removing, deactivating, or
> otherwise impairing a technological measure; and
> (B) a technological measure ''effectively protects a right of a
> copyright owner under this title'' if the measure, in the
> ordinary course of its operation, prevents, restricts, or
> otherwise limits the exercise of a right of a copyright owner
> under this title.
(B) probably said in some incarnation:
a technological measure ''effectively protects a right of a
copyright owner under this title'' if the measure, in the
ordinary course of its operation, prevents, restricts, or
otherwise discourages infringement of that copyright.
But what it says now, because some copyright lawyer tried to
broaden the meaning, is that the measure somehow has to limit
the copyright owner. whoops!!!
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