[Seth-Trips] HSC, Santa Clara (when?)

Duncan MacKinnon duncan at randometry.org
Fri Aug 17 18:03:00 PDT 2001

On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 02:02:34PM -0700, Seth David Schoen wrote:
> Nick Moffitt writes:
> > 	Payday today goes to rent for me, so maybe in two weeks?
> > 
> > 	I was actually talking with some folks about HSC last night.
> > Made me wanna go get some antennurz.
> Is that to say September 1?
> Anybody else?

I'd propose 1/9/01 as that is a Foothill flea-market day. We could do Foothill 
first and then HSC. Actually HSC used to always be at Foothill but hasn't been 
for awhile. I like going to the store more. 

I just found out that Haltek in Mt. View has closed it's retail store. I used 
to like them too. 

> -- 
> Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org>  | Lending, printing, copying, giving
> Temp.  http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/  | and text-to-speech are permissions
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Duncan MacKinnon
duncan at randometry.org

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