[Seth-Trips] HSC Electronic Supply, Saturday, April 27

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Fri Apr 26 17:55:47 PDT 2002

begin Seth David Schoen quotation of Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 05:45:10PM -0700:

> I want to go to HSC on CalTrain tomorrow.  Who will come with me?

Good timing, dude, I need some rechargeable batteries and they have
them on special.  I'll be available in the late morning and early
afternoon and can pick you up at Mountain View Caltrain if you want.

New motto for Mountain View, California: 
Almost All the Way to Zone 5, and $0.75 Cheaper

Don Marti                                          
http://zgp.org/~dmarti                       Help spread accurate information 
dmarti at zgp.org                      about Xenu and the Church of Scientology.
KG6INA           <a href="http://xenu.net/">Scientology</a> on your web site.

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