[Seth-Trips] EFF Share-in, Sept. 14 [bayff-admin@eff.org: EFF Music Share-In 2002: Party in the Park!]
Seth David Schoen
schoen at loyalty.org
Thu Aug 29 11:23:52 PDT 2002
----- Forwarded message from bayff-admin at eff.org -----
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:20:23 -0700
To: bayff at eff.org
Subject: EFF Music Share-In 2002: Party in the Park!
From: bayff-admin at eff.org
Electronic Frontier Foundation Holds Second Annual Share-In
John Perry Barlow, Mountain Girl Garcia Host Free Music Fest
Electronic Frontier Foundation Holds Second Annual Share-In
John Perry Barlow, Mountain Girl Garcia Host Free Music Fest
San Francisco - Join the Electronic Frontier Foundation and five Bay
Area bands for an afternoon of live music and outdoor fun at EFF's
second annual Share In. The festival will be held in Golden Gate
Park's Music Concourse Bandshell on Saturday, September 14th from
noon - 5pm. The celebration of independent music will be hosted by
Grateful Dead lyricist and EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow, and former
wife of the late great Jerry Garcia, Mountain Girl Garcia.
Artists participating in this event will permit recording of their
performances by those in attendance in support of EFFs Open Audio
License (OAL). Musicians performing at the event include: the Box Set
Duo - clown princes of folk-rock, the classic funk band Funkmonsters,
celtic world-fusion group Hy Brassyl, harmony based folk-pop band
Atticus Scout, and Berkeley-based party band Shady Lady.
In addition to music, the Share-In will feature performers including
Ashley Foster the One Wheeled Wonder, the Existential Circus,
Frantastic Hands, the Metronome Dancers, and Willy Bologna and his
Sideshow Circus. Bring your family and friends!
Ben and Jerry's will sell their famous ice cream, and Cartwheel
Catering will be on site with hot dogs, pretzels, and churros.
Proceeds from the Share-In will go directly to EFF's Campaign for
Audiovisual Free Expression (CAFE), which oversees projects such as
the Open Audio License. CAFE empowers the creative community in
cyberspace by protecting the public's access to and use of audiovisual
The Open Audio License is a tool that EFF has developed in order to
help artists share music more directly with their fans, without
sacrificing recognition for their creativity. The OAL encourages
collaboration, providing artists with an alternative to a business
model strictly driven by profit. Based on the open source and free
software initiatives for software development, the OAL encourages
artists to share with one another and their fans.
Adoption of the OAL does not mean that artists go unrewarded for their
work. On the contrary, the OAL permits artists to share single tracks
or performances and gain widespread recognition for their work without
relying on intermediaries. EFF encourages new models of music
distribution in the digital world that benefit the artists themselves.
The Internet makes it possible to drastically reduce the overhead for
packaging and distributing music, which is where record companies
currently spend most of the money that could be going to artists. EFF
is committed to developing tools that empower artists to take control
over their own art and to be compensated appropriately for their works.
When: Saturday, September 14th, Noon-5pm
Where: Music Concourse Bandshell in Golden Gate Park, near the
Japanese Tea Gardens between MLK Drive and JFK Drive
EFF's Cafe Project:
The Open Audio License:
----- End forwarded message -----
Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Reading is a right, not a feature!
http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | -- Kathryn Myronuk
http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/ |
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