[Seth-Trips] Re: cena nostra
Seth David Schoen
schoen at loyalty.org
Sun Sep 22 19:46:47 PDT 2002
Andrew Gollan writes:
> Andreas sodalibus optimis s p d
> iterum tandem, nunc post aestiuum tempus, sunt nobis incipiendae cenae
> Latinae. propter hoc cena est prima noui anni academici celebranda hoc
> mense Septembri die Veneris uicesimo septimo (27o) hora sexta semis
> (6:30pm) uespertina domi meae (190 E. O'Keefe St #10, Menlo Park, CA
> 94025). fercula Europaea (Italica Gallicaue) proponam. si liceat tibi,
> abs te dollaria quinque ($5) uel lagoenam uini quaero ne pauper
> fiam..., ni liceat, aduenire sit omnino satis. uide chartulam
> geographicam sub "http://hypalonia.com/House". Cena postera uerisimiliter
> die uicesimo quinto mensis Octobris.
> Andrew to his Latinist friends,
> once again, finally with summer over, it's time for us to start up the
> Cenae Latinae. So, the first Cena of the new academic year will be held on
> Friday the 27th of September at 6:30pm at my house (190 E. O'Keefe St #10,
> Menlo Park, CA 94025). European dishes (Italian and/or French) will be
> provided. I ask,
> as usual, that if your budget allows you contribute either $5 or a bottle
> of wine. If not, just come. There is a map on the page:
> "http://hypalonia.com/House". Most likely the next Cena will be on October
> 25th.
Heu, nox ista dies natalis mea erit! Credo me cum amicis celebraturum
Ad cenas vestras numquam venire potui -- semper aliquid aliud obstat.
Doleo. Heri, dum apud conventionem quendam eram, dicebatur "_Latinam_?
Sed nemo linguam Latinam _loquitur_. Legunt, scribuntque forsan: sed
non adhuc _loquuntur_!".
Cui dixi: "Loquuntur vero; est enim in Menlo Park cena, et cum conveniunt
amici ad cenam, Latine, et Latine sole, dicunt. Sed nondum potui adire."
Cenas tuas, si autem nondum cenavi, saepe dubitantibus annuntiavi...
Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Reading is a right, not a feature!
http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | -- Kathryn Myronuk
http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/ |
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