[Seth-Trips] Dan Ellsberg Sat Oct. 5 Reading

Ben Hartshorne ben-sethtrips at hartshorne.net
Tue Sep 24 15:53:26 PDT 2002

Hey all,
  On Saturday, Oct. 5, Dan Ellsberg will be reading from his new
autobiography, "Secrets," at Le Theatre in Berkeley from 2:30-4:30.
There will be hors-d'oeuvres and such.  

  Dan Ellsberg came into the spotlight when he published the "pentagon
papers," confidential documents from the pentagon, in the New York Times
and Washington Post in 1971.  He has been a political activist ever
since (although he's no longer on the FBIs 10 most wanted list...).

  I won't be able to make it, but he is an incredible guy, and I
encourage you to go if you can.  Le Theatre is at 1919 Addison St. in
Berkeley.  510-644-1707.


Ben Hartshorne     benAThartshorneDOTnet     http://ben.hartshorne.net
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