[Seth-Trips] The Hours

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Fri Apr 4 00:28:06 PST 2003

begin  The ASCII Floating Head of Seth David Schoen  quotation:
> How could I get there from San Francisco if I did want to see it?

	BART to Lake Merritt station, walk around the lake and up to
the theatre.  I used to do it on pigdog nights.  It's about a mile's
walk, maybe less.

	Transitinfo.org has a trip planner if you wish to resort to AC
Transit for the last leg.    You could also use the 12th street and
19th street BART stations.  Most BART maps are deceptive with respect
to the size and position of the lake relative to the stations.  

	Most maps also disregard the fact that the trains are two
blocks long, and the stations can extend further on either end, with
escalators adding further distance.  Take a look at the acreage
covered by the civic center station sometime.  Over the years I've
gotten pretty good at remembering escalator placement and exit points
from the major stops, but I always get confused by the lake.  I never
get lost, but I often find myself doubling over a block or two.



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