Rally for civil liberties, San Francisco Federal Building, July 7
Seth David Schoen
schoen at loyalty.org
Mon Jun 30 10:29:37 PDT 2003
This sounds useful, although I'll be in D.C. then.
>FROM: Media <RNRBAYAREA at yahoo.com>
>SUBJECT: July 7th Rally to Fight for our Rights
>Rally to Fight for Our Rights!
>A kickoff for a week of action to stop Patriot Act II
>Less than two years after Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act, giving new,
>sweeping powers to the federal government to conduct investigations and
>surveillance inside the United States, Attorney General John Ashcroft is
>pushing for another chilling grab of authority and further diminution of
>constitutional checks and balances on law enforcement.
>With the Domestic Security Enhancement Act the Administration would seek
>to take the Patriot Act's anti-terror powers several steps further. Dubbed
>???Patriot Act II,??? the legislation would grant additional sweeping
>powers to the government, eliminating or weakening remaining limits on
>government surveillance, wiretapping, detention and prosecution.
>Join us at the rally!
>Learn how you can say NO to Patriot II!
>When: Monday July 7th from noon to 2 pm
>Where: the SF Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue
>For more information call: 415-621-2493 (ACLU)
>Sponsoring organizations (partial list):
>American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California
>Amnesty International
>Blue Triangle Network
>Justice For New Americans
>National Lawyers Guild
>Not in Our Name
>Refuse & Resist
>South Alameda Peace & Justice Coalition
>Various community leaders will discuss different activities planned for
>the week of July 7. These activities are designed to tell Congress to
>reject any Patriot II proposal and instead address the Constitutional
>problems that already exist with the first USA Patriot Act and other
>actions of the Federal government.
Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Very frankly, I am opposed to people
http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | being programmed by others.
http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/ | -- Fred Rogers (1928-2003),
| 464 U.S. 417, 445 (1984)
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