[Seth-Trips] Cena Latina, Menlo Park, March 13 [adjg@hypalonia.com: cena Latina cum Eduardi Engelsing acroasi die 13o m. Martis celebrabitur]

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Mon Mar 3 22:32:02 PST 2003

I might actually be able to make it to this, after missing something
like eight in a row because of schedule conflicts.  (It's interesting
that Andrew uses "die 13o m. Martis" instead of the classical "III a.d.
Id. Martis"; I guess that's what comes of Latin speakers using this
newfangled Gregorian calendar...)

----- Forwarded message from Andrew Gollan <adjg at hypalonia.com> -----

Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 22:15:41 -0800
To: cena at hypalonia.com
From: Andrew Gollan <adjg at hypalonia.com>
Subject: cena Latina cum Eduardi Engelsing acroasi die 13o m. Martis

Andreas sodalibus s p d

hoc mense celebrandae sunt nobis et cena Latina et acroasis Latine de 
paedagogia Latina ab Eduardo Engelsing in uniuersitate Kentuckiana alumno 
litterarum classicarum et artis linguisticae, uide singula infra.  et 
nobiscum erit nostra amica Gueneuera Nelson olim Berkleiana, hoc tempore 
quoque alumna in eadem uniuersitate Kentuckiana.  ante cena danda est 
acroasis, hora sexta semis (6:30pm) et postea cena ferculorum 
Europaeensium.  omnia domi meae ut solent: 190 E. O'Keefe St #10, Menlo 
Park, CA, die 13o m. Martis. quaeso me certiorem facias de aduentu sub: 
adjg at hypalonia.com. uos uisurum omnes me spero.

Andrew to his colleagues,

this month we have both a cena Latina and a lecture on Latin pedagogy by 
Eduardo Engelsing, a graduate student in Classics and Linguistics at the 
University of Kentucky (see the details below).  Our friend Jenny Nelson, 
also now studying in Kentucky, will be coming as well.  The talk will 
precede a dinner of European dishes and will begin at 6:30pm, at my home at 
190 E. O'Keefe St, #10, Menlo Park, CA on the 13th of this month of 
March.  Please let me know at adjg at hypalonia.com if you are coming, and I 
hope to see you all there.


Dead languages or dead meanings?
On Reading Latin in a Socio- and Applied Linguistics perspective
Eduardo Engelsing  University of Kentucky

The two main goals for studying classical languages, to have access to 
texts written in Latin or Greek (classical or non-classical) and through 
those texts to approach the author's thoughts, the history and the way of 
life of different civilizations, reveal the activity of reading as being 
one of the most crucial events in the classical field. By analyzing some 
everyday classroom reading activities and by uncovering embedded beliefs 
about "how knowledge and meaning are generated in society" (Moita Lopes 
1995) , -- whether meaning is seen as inherent in a text or socially 
negotiated, whether meaning belongs to a word-list in a lexicon or whether 
it is only contextually disputed -- this talk will address to what extent 
these diverse approaches can be profitable in developing Classical language 
reading skills. Finally, with the instruments of Socio- and Applied 
Linguistics, concrete suggestions will be given to make "reading" ancient 
languages a much more effective and enjoyable enterprise. The role of 
active use of the language will be defended (Gumperz 1982, Clark 1995).

Mortus sermo aut mortus sensus?
De legendi rationibus secundum Socialem atque Applicatam philologiam
Eduardus Engelsing  Vniuersitas Studiorum Kentuckiana

Duae praecipuae causae sermones antiquos discendi, quae sunt litteris his 
linguis exaratis aditum habere atque per eosdem textus scriptorum cogitata, 
rerum gestarum memoriam aut cultus ciuilis traditionem percipere, artem 
legendi esse propemodum medullam harum in studio linguarum demonstrant.
Dum et exercitia huius artis passim rimabimur atque insitas in iis 
persuasiones "quemadmodum omnes doctrinae ac significationes in uita 
commune arcessantur" pandemus (Moita Lopes 1995), num sensus in ipsis 
uerbis inhaereat an sit communiter disputandus, num sensus exstet in indice 
uocabulorum an in uerborum contextu reperiatur, quantopere possimus his 
rationibus freti studio nostro prodesse disseretur.
Apparatu denique philologiae socialis applicataeque (ut dicitur) haud 
obscura consilia supeditabuntur, quae legendi atque interpretandi actionem 
admodum efficaciorem ac iucundiorem redigere possunt. Pro usu sermonum 
antiquorum praecipue atque uehementer contendemus (Gumperz 1982, Clark 1995).

----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Very frankly, I am opposed to people
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | being programmed by others.
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |     -- Fred Rogers (1928-2003),
                                       |        464 U.S. 417, 445 (1984)

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