[Seth-Trips] Petition to keep Bart open late

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue Nov 25 13:22:12 PST 2003

begin  Nick Moffitt  quotation:
> begin  Praveen Sinha  quotation:
> > > 	They spend every minute of downtime on maintenance as it is!
> > > The BART curfew is an unhappy necessity caused by design
> > > decisions made in the 1960s.  To keep late-night service, they'd
> > > have to add
> > 
> > Do you know what these design decisions were out of curiosity?
> 	The big one is the lack of any express or backup tracks.

	A writer for the East Bay Express just interviewed me about
this (I had linked to an archive of this thread at
http://zork.net/~nick/mail/ha-ha-bart and posted it to crummy.com).  

	I should be quoted in an article coming out a week from
tomorrow (3 Dec 2003).

"Forget the damned motor car and build cities for lovers and friends."
	-- Lewis Mumford


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