[Seth-Trips] Re: [readingrules] pre codecon friday

Wendy Seltzer wendy at seltzer.com
Wed Feb 11 11:50:46 PST 2004

Sadly, I'll be out of town (well, not sad to be out of town, but sad 
to be missing the fun of Codecon and getting together with you folks).

Catch up another time!

>Praveen Sinha writes:
>>  Hey all,
>>  (apologies in advance for anyone who got crossposted on the lists)
>>  So CodeCon is coming up in about 10 days or so, and we are thinking of
>>  having a geeky pre-codecon friday.  We are looking into a friday 10am mass
>>  outing to the computer history museum for some of the out of towners...
>>  Filling in the day with random geeky outings  and then
>>  finishing off with dinner at Suriya Thai Restaurant in that old fashioned
>  > left coast hax0r sort of way in the Mission.

Wendy Seltzer -- wendy at seltzer.com || wendy at eff.org
Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School

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