[Seth-Trips] Computer History Museum, Suriya, and CodeCon age neutrality (was: Re: [readingrules] pre codecon friday)

Riana Pfefferkorn pfeffers at whitman.edu
Wed Feb 11 12:25:27 PST 2004

I can't go to the CHM, as I will be working. However, since I work nearby,
I would love to accompany anybody going to lunch in the area.

If you go to the CHM, my uncle Charlie might be volunteering there. Kragen
spotted him once already. You will know him by our distinctive last name.

Re: CodeCon: Danny O'Brien thought up the possibility of an intra-con
un-con, to fall after ETCon and before CodeCon, presumably in the Bay
Area. Does anyone want to donate space for such an event or give a talk at


Riana Pfefferkorn
<pfeffers at whitman.edu>

"Switch off the mind and let the heart decide/ Who you were
meant to be/ ... Etch out a future of your own design/ Well
tailored to your needs/ Then fan the flame and keep the
dream alive/ ... The future is roses."

-- Thomas Dolby, "Windpower"

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