[Seth-Trips] Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Riana Pfefferkorn pfeffers at whitman.edu
Fri Feb 13 13:52:13 PST 2004

SLAC in Palo Alto offers free tours to the public on select dates. You
must make a reservation in advance - and present photo ID. Tours are 2
hours long. "They generally include an overview of particle physics
research conducted at SLAC, a view of the giant detectors required to
observe subatomic particles and a peek at our linac, housed underneath
the world's longest building."

Upcoming February dates:
Sun 2/15 10a
Wed 2/18 1p
Sat 2/21 10a
Sat 2/28 1pm

Would anybody be interested in going?



Riana Pfefferkorn
<pfeffers at whitman.edu>

"Switch off the mind and let the heart decide/ Who you were
meant to be/ ... Etch out a future of your own design/ Well
tailored to your needs/ Then fan the flame and keep the
dream alive/ ... The future is roses."

-- Thomas Dolby, "Windpower"

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