[Seth-Trips] We won Bunner again

Sunah Cherwin slippery at pobox.com
Fri Feb 27 12:10:09 PST 2004

At 11:54 AM -0800 2/27/04, Seth David Schoen wrote:
>Sorry I have to keep saying "we won Bunner", but here, after the
>plaintiffs tried to drop their case, we opposed their request and
>asked the court to decide it anyway.  The court agreed and decided
>the case in our favor this morning.
>I guess this is about the third or fourth time I've had occasion
>to say "we won Bunner".  It's probably time for another Bunner party.

Actually the Asteroid party you told us about sounds super-fantastic, 
except for the logistics. Who-all from this list is going?

Congratulations on Bunner again.
SunahWeb.com +!+ Sunah Caroline Cherwin +?+ slippery at pobox.com

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