[Seth-Trips] Freedom Technology Center gathers books for Iraq, March 26

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Mon Mar 1 23:35:31 PST 2004

This sounds like great fun, but I will be out of town (giving a talk
that I'll announce here later on).

If anyone has books to gather in the interim, you should send them to
Don, or give them to me and I'll bring or mail them to Don before the

----- Forwarded message from Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org> -----

Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 09:06:56 -0800
From: Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org>
Subject: [linux-elitists] LOCAL Mountain View, California: Books for Iraq

Books for Iraq

Who:   Linux Users Group of Iraq members and supporters
       Freedom Technology Center supporters
       bookcrossing.com members
       People who read

What:  Book collection and fundraiser

Where: Freedom Technology Center
       Mountain View, California

When:  Friday, March 26
       Books collected 9am - midnight
       Pizza 7pm - midnight

Why:   "We need all kinds of computer books" 
       -- Ashraf T. Hasson
          founder, Linux Users Group of Iraq

Donate an extra copy of a good computer book to help
Linux and free software education in Iraq.  You bring
the books, and we'll ship them!  Money donations are
also welcome.

After dropping off your books, stay for pizza and
sample the educational and recreational facilities of
the Freedom Technology Center.  We have a Linux-based
training lab as well as video games and pinball.

Linux Center Planned for Baghdad

The LUG of Iraq is establishing a Linux Center in
Baghdad to conduct training in all levels of Linux
usage, administration and development.

Today in Baghdad, up-to-date PC hardware and all kinds
of software are readily available, but computer books
are hard to get.  The LUG needs all computer books,
not just the Linux-specific ones.

No Crypto, Please

Most current OS distributions contain some
cryptographic software, so we will be unable to
send them.  US export restrictions on shipments to
Iraq are still in effect.  We will check, but if
your book includes a distribution CD, please remove
it before donating.

The Freedom Technology Center and bookcrossing.com
will handle the packing and shipping -- just bring
your favorite book.

Hardware is readily available in Baghdad, and since
it does not qualify for book rate postage it's better
for the LUG of Iraq to buy hardware there.

About the Freedom Technology Center

The Freedom Technology Center is a new non-profit IT
training facility located in downtown Mountain View,
California.  Upcoming classes include an enterprise
Samba class to be taught by Samba developer John
H. Terpstra and a series of Linux administration
classes to be taught by noted author and consultant
Jim Dennis.

For updates and directions, please see

Please forward this message to relevant fora.

----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Very frankly, I am opposed to people
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | being programmed by others.
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |     -- Fred Rogers (1928-2003),
                                       |        464 U.S. 417, 445 (1984)

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