[Seth-Trips] News and humor

Chris Palmer chris at eff.org
Sun Nov 21 20:05:01 PST 2004

----- Forwarded message from Chris Palmer <chris at noncombatant.org> -----

From: Chris Palmer <chris at noncombatant.org>
To: geeks at nodewarrior.org
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 20:16:07 -0800
Subject: News and humor

The latest issue of *Linux User and Developer* (#43) includes an article
by me! It's called "The packet inspectors: Fear and loathing on the
network" (I did not choose that name). It's about how network management
systems of various flavors impinge upon (for good and ill) the right to
read. Grab a copy if you happen to find yourself in England! 

On page 94, there is a review of *Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory
Manager* ("But WHICH VM?" I hear you skeptics saying), which includes
this inadvertantly hilarious typo: "That said, *Understanding* certainly
doesn't fail to deliver when it comes down to outlining and exploring
all aspects of the VM implementation from architecture independent
physical memory descriptions, through process address space to the
controversial management of Out Of Memory (OOP) conditions."

In an OOP-related anecdote, Tom Duff of Pixar (he of Duff's Device fame)
recently told me that C++ STL absolutely does not perform at the level
he requires (he helps write the code that renders Pixar's movies). He
said it was "primarily related to memory management issues" and
emphatically denied that it was merely a compiler problem.

Why am I addicted to Red Bull? Please help.

----- End forwarded message -----

Chris Palmer
Staff Technologist, Electronic Frontier Foundation
415 436 9333 x124 (desk), 415 305 5842 (cell)

81C0 E11D CE73 4390 B6C7  3415 B286 CD8F 68E4 09CD

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