[Seth-Trips] RoboNexus, Oct. 21-23

Riana Pfefferkorn riana at whitties.org
Thu Oct 14 16:02:07 PDT 2004

Next Thursday through Saturday, the Santa Clara Convention Center is 
hosting the largest robotics event ever held in the U.S. It will feature
something for everyone, from hobbyists to professors to executives, even 
kids. There is a discount if you register before the 18th. The expo floor 
is open 10a-5p Friday and Saturday 
(registration starts at 8a). An expo pass costs $15-20, is 
valid for both 
days, and even gets you a one-year subscription to _Popular Science_! 
Persons under age 18 require a chaperone.


riana pfefferkorn | riana at whitties.org | 650-814-3072

"Hot damn, we're in the future."

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