[Seth-Trips] Lucky's Blind Signature Patent Expiration Party this Saturday

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Fri Jul 15 02:01:36 PDT 2005

This is grand fun.  I will be in Toronto.  This party is in Portola
Valley.  It's not really near mass transit, but perhaps people can car
pool (or form an alternative party nearby transit).

> From: Lucky Green <shamrock at cypherpunks.to> 
> Date: July 14, 2005 3:05:06 PM PDT 
> Subject: [meetingpunks at lists.cryptorights.org: [Meetingpunks] Blind 
> Signature Patent Expiration Party this Saturday] 
> ------------------------- 
> Friends, colleagues, and co-conspirators, 
> It has been 17 long years and now the time is finally here to 
> celebrate at 
> the: 
> ======================================= 
> WHAT: 
> A party to celebrate the expiration of the Blind Signature patent. 
> WHY: 
> U.S. Patent 4,759,063 ("Blind Signature Systems") to David Chaum is 
> the core 
> invention enabling privacy-protecting electronic payment systems and 
> credentials.  It was a truly ingenious, ground-breaking contribution. 
> Unfortunately the existence of the corresponding patent, which was 
> notoriously difficult to license, prevented this great invention from 
> receiving the wide use that it so very much deserved. For a copy of 
> the 
> patent, see http://www.pat2pdf.org/pat2pdf/foo.pl?number=4759063 
> Unlike copyrights these days, patents do expire.  The blind signature 
> patent 
> will expire on July 19, 2005, next Tuesday.  Since weekends tend to 
> fit 
> better with the schedules of potential party goers than weekdays, we 
> are 
> holding the party this Saturday instead. 
> The 17 years that this patent has been in effect has been an awfully 
> long 
> time for the many of us that hoped to make use of this technology to 
> help 
> citizens to maintain privacy in the age of the Internet and the 
> patent's 
> expiration is a much overdue reason for celebration. 
> WHO: 
> If you know what blind signatures are you are invited. 
> WHEN: 
> This Saturday, July 16, starting at 1:00 PM PDT 
> Since the number of inquiries I received in response to the party 
> pre-announcement exceed the maximum occupancy limit of my home and 
> since the 
> weather promises to be excellent, we will hold the party in a beer 
> garden 
> instead. Drinks are on me! 
> We will meet at the 
> Alpine Inn (aka Alpine Beer Garden) 
> 3915 Alpine Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028 USA 
> Those that can demonstrate that they have created a full system that 
> makes 
> significant use of the blind signature patent by 4 PM on Saturday 
> will be 
> invited to and receive a free dinner at the afterparty. So get 
> coding! 
> (Pr0duct Cypher, where are you)? A team of judges will determine if a 
> particular system qualifies for the award. 
> A handful of us plan to have dinner at a swanky restaurant on 
> patent-free 
> Tuesday. Email me or talk with me at the party if you are interested 
> in 
> joining. Space is limited. You will have to pay for your own food at 
> the 
> Tuesday dinner unless you qualify for the award above or your name is 
> on the 
> blind signature patent. 
> Looking forward to see you all this Saturday, 
> --Lucky 

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | This is a new focus for the security
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | community. The actual user of the PC
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     | [...] is the enemy.
                                       |          -- David Aucsmith, IDF 1999

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