[Seth-Trips] Miyazaki's "Howl's Moving Castle" @ BAM-PFA, Thurs. Jun 9, 6:00 or 9:00

Zack Weinberg zack at codesourcery.com
Sun Jun 5 16:29:53 PDT 2005

The Pacific Film Archive is screening Hayao Miyazaki's anime
adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones' seminal fantasy novel "Howl's Moving
Castle" on this coming Thursday.  [The film will open in general
release on Jun 10, so if you can't come then you aren't missing your
chance to see it.] I plan to attend, and would like to invite as many
people as possible to come with.

"Howl's Moving Castle" is about Sophie Hatter, who has sadly been born
the _eldest_ of three daughters, and therefore (everyone knows) will
fail first, and worst, if she should set out to seek her fortune.  So,
she is stuck inheriting the family hat shop while her younger sisters
get to go out and have Adventures.  But when the evil Witch of the
Waste decides, for no apparent reason, that Sophie is competition and
turns her into an old woman by way of revenge, Sophie doesn't see that
she has anything left to lose by seeking her fortune anyway.  And
there _is_ that mysterious castle shuffling from place to place on the
moors ...

Details on the screening are at
<http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/pfa_programs/ghibli/content.html>.  I
can't make the 3pm matinee, but either of the other two showtimes
would work for me.  Please, if you're interested, reply and tell me
which of the two you would prefer.


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