[Seth-Trips] Does anyone have a web browser cache of vitanuova?

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Fri Mar 18 12:15:31 PST 2005

begin  The ASCII Floating Head of Seth David Schoen  quotation:
> If you read my blog, could you _not_ try to load it right now
> (because you'll get a temporary page that will overwrite and
> obliterate any cached version you might have), but instead try going
> to
> about:cache
> in your browser and see if you have any cached pages from vitanuova,
> and, if so, send them to me?

	I have a cache of your RSS feed, if that will help.  Ever
since the 404s it hasn't updated at all.  See
~nick/src/planet/laziness-cache/ on zork.  It is most likely in some
pickle format, but strings may help out.

"I think that software engineering would help to prevent         Nick Moffitt
things like imake."                                        nick at teh.entar.net
   -- Jon Webb

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