[Seth-Trips] EFF: EFF Hosts 15th Anniversary Bash

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Sat Sep 24 09:38:21 PDT 2005

Sorry if I've already sent this around; please note RSVP request:

----- Forwarded message from Rebecca Jeschke <rebecca at eff.org> -----

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:50:34 -0700
From: Rebecca Jeschke <rebecca at eff.org>
Subject: [E-S] EFF: EFF Hosts 15th Anniversary Bash

Electronic Frontier Foundation Media Release

For Immediate Release: Thursday, September 22, 2005


Katina Bishop
   Projects Coordinator
   Electronic Frontier Foundation
   katina at eff.org
   +1 415 436-9333 x101

EFF Hosts 15th Anniversary Bash

Public Celebration at EFF's San Francisco Headquarters

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is
15 years old this year.  Come celebrate 15 years of
defending freedom in the digital world.  Our anniversary
party is on Sunday, October 2nd, at 5 p.m. at the EFF
headquarters in San Francisco, and the event is free of
charge and open to everyone.

Please join us for delicious Mexican food and drinks from
Pancho Villa and a 3-D cake.  You'll also hear a special
address from our founders, John Perry Barlow and John
Gilmore.  Our musical guests are Gypsy Jazz from the
Zegnotronic Rocket Society and DJ Ripley and Kid Kameleon.

EFF's office is located at 454 Shotwell Street in San

Please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing
rsvp at eff.org or by calling 415-436-9333 x129.

For this release:

About EFF

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading civil
liberties organization working to protect rights in the
digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF actively encourages and
challenges industry and government to support free
expression and privacy online. EFF is a member-supported
organization and maintains one of the most linked-to
websites in the world at http://www.eff.org/


----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | This is a new focus for the security
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | community. The actual user of the PC
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     | [...] is the enemy.
                                       |          -- David Aucsmith, IDF 1999

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