[Seth-Trips] Mark Ferlatte at BALUG, July 18

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Thu Jul 13 21:51:58 BST 2006

Seth David Schoen:
> Tuesday, July 18, Mark Ferlatte of Linden Lab will talk to BALUG about
> the technolgy beneath Second Life and present techniques for managing
> large quantities of servers with only a few support staff. (Second
> Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents,
> population 200,000!) http://www.secondlife.com 

I loved Mr. Bad's commentary that when you use Second Life you feel like
a hobo in Vegas: lots of gambling and strip joints but you can't afford
any of it anyway.

"These people program the way Victorians dress.              Nick Moffitt
It takes two hours and three assistants to put on           nick at zork.net
your clothes, and you have to change before dinner.
But everything is modular."    -- Miles Nordin, on PAM

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