[Seth-Trips] Bowoto v. ChevronTexaco benefit at the Marsh: "Tings Dey Happen", December 15

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Thu Nov 16 23:24:12 GMT 2006

----- Forwarded message from Cindy Cohn <cindy at eff.org> -----

From: Cindy Cohn <cindy at eff.org>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 19:05:48 -0800
Subject: Nigeria case benefit at the Marsh: "Tings Dey Happen" December 15

As all of you know, for the last 7 years (!) I've been working on a  
pair of lawsuits against Chevron for their involvement in some awful  
human rights abuses in Nigeria -- murders, torture, the burning down  
of villages. Now here's your chance to learn a little more about the  
place where 20% of America's oil comes from, support my case and see  
an amazing young actor, Dan Hoyle, in action.

At the Marsh, on December 15, Dan is donating a portion of the  
proceeds of his new show "Tings Dey Happen" to support my cases,  
Bowoto v. Chevron.  We'll use the money to pay for things like plane  
tickets bring our over 25 Nigerian clients over to San Francisco to  
testify when we go to trial.  Tickets are $30 and a portion of them  
can be written off as a charitable donation to Earthrights  

How did a show at the Marsh come to support my case, you ask?

Dan won a Fulbright scholarship to go to Nigeria in 2005 and study  
the oil industry. I met with him in Lagos. Based on his adventures,  
he's put together a one-man show where he samples voices of the Niger  
Delta.  I've seen this show in development and  that is at turns  
informative, poignant and absolutely hilarious. Think Anna Devere- 
Smith -- with characters from oil workers to drug dealers to  
villagers to diplomats.

Drop me a note at Cindy at eff.org if you'd like to join us.  I've got  
50 tickets to sell, first come, first served:

Date:  December 15, 2006
Where:  The Marsh, 1062 Valencia Street @22nd, San Francisco
When:  8pm
Price:  $30 or more if you'd like to support the case more
How:  Email to Cindy at eff.org



PS: Here's the blurb on Tings Dey Happen show from the Marsh's website:

In 2003, America announces that Nigeria and the Gulf of Guinea is the  
new key to American energy security. In April 2004 Dan wins a  
Fulbright scholarship to study oil politics in Nigeria, the same day  
two expatriate oil workers are gunned down by militants close to  
where Dan will live.

In 2005 Dan travels to Nigeria, makes friends with the militants,  
schmoozes at the US Embassy, sings karaoke with expatriate oil  
workers, gets malaria and makes it home for Christmas.

----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | This is a new focus for the security
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | community. The actual user of the PC
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     | [...] is the enemy.
                                       |          -- David Aucsmith, IDF 1999

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