[Seth-Trips] Learn ICS from the Fire Department, Wednesday

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Mon Feb 26 04:00:42 GMT 2007

For a humorous but extremely serious introduction to what the Incident
Command System is and why would you need it, see


To learn ICS from the San Francisco Fire Department:

Incident Command System (ICS)
This is the official management tool necessary to set up command and
respond from the NERT Staging Area to the Battalion ERD.  This is the
official ICS class.  The information taught in this class is the
foundation for using this management tool in a NERT response.  This
class is offered for NERT graduates only.
This class will be taught by Frank Cardinale, Assistant Chief Division 3.
Wednesday February 28, 6:30pm-9:30pm
San Francisco Fire Department Division of Training
2310 Folsom/19th

Sorry about the "NERT graduates only" bit; I don't know whether anyone
else here has been through the NERT class or not (but I think you'll
know that I recommend it).

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | This is a new focus for the security
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | community. The actual user of the PC
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     | [...] is the enemy.
                                       |          -- David Aucsmith, IDF 1999

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