[Seth-Trips] BayFF with Jonathan Zittrain: "The Future of the Internet -- And How To Stop It"

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Tue Nov 20 00:45:35 GMT 2007

* You're Invited! BayFF with Jonathan Zittrain: "The Future of the
Internet -- And How to Stop It"

EFF invites you to hear luminary researcher Jonathan Zittrain, principal
of the Oxford Internet Institute, deliver a presentation on the topic of
his next book: "The Future of the Internet ?- And How to Stop It."
Zittrain will cover what he sees looking forward, as the Internet
ecosystem becomes blotted by restrictive tools and rash approaches to
security challenges. The event is hosted by News.com at CNET Networks.

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.

Jonathan Zittrain speaks on "The Future of the Internet -- And How to
Stop It: The Internet is primed for a meltdown - and the most obvious
cures are just as bad."

Jonathan Zittrain is one of the world's foremost scholars of technology
law and technology policy. He holds the Chair in Internet Governance and
Regulation at Oxford University and is a principal of the Oxford
Internet Institute. His research interests include battles for control
of digital property and content, cryptography, electronic privacy, the
roles of intermediaries within Internet architecture, and the useful and
unobtrusive deployment of technology in education. He co-founded the
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School, as well as
the OpenNet Initiative, which tracks Internet filtering worldwide.

CNET Networks
235 2nd Street
Ground Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

RSVP to: bayff-rsvp at eff.org

This event is free and open to the general public.

CNET Networks is accessible via BART. Get off at the Montgomery station
and use the exit marked 2nd and Market. Walk south on 2nd Street until
you reach the CNET building on the left. It's also about seven blocks
from the Caltrain station.

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Wol dir, werlt, daz du bist
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | also freudenriche!
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |           -- Carmina Burana

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