[Taocow PBEM] Chapter V: A Stranger And His Knowledge

Kitsune kitsunefx at netzero.com
Thu Jun 23 21:45:23 PDT 2005

Alex blushes just a bitat being called "My Lady"

Troy Imlach wrote:

>I look at Alex and say "My lady I do not know the name
>of the temle I am looking for I I think They might."
>looking at Arden and Phaeton. "And I agree that this
>is not the place to speak of such things."
>- when the group leaves and trys to question me again
>about why I am looking for this temple and the
>red-eyed man. I say "I am a deamon queller and the man
>I am looking for is a demon."
>- when it is safe to talk I ask the group what they
>now of the temple?

some who do not understand mystery speak of things which they do not understand,
but they will boast that the mystery of the truth belongs to them alone.
- Gnostic Saying

Email:     kitsune at addr.com or Foxtrot_Xray at Hotmail.com
Homepage:  http://www.kitsune.addr.com/
ICQ:       23146924

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