[Taocow PBEM] Chapter IX - The King Of The River

Alex Bayne hayden.bayne at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 23:14:21 GMT 2007

> [Talas]
> Talas who has been keeping an eye on their host and
> one ear on the band, as bad as they are, turns his
> attention to the stairs on seeing Max pointing at
> them. At this time Talas spends the 1PPE to use his
> chi-gun. And says to Sialillion "My lady. The stairs."
> [/Talas]

Sialillion gets up from her seat and comes to attention, then quickly
and quietly walks up near the stairs.  She leans back with her back
flush against the adjoining wall, then leans over and takes a peek up
the stairs.

OOC:  I'm currently road tripping so my next update may not be for a
little while.  I should be back within 3 or 4 days.

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