[Taocow PBEM] [Ted, Louissa and Alex] Book 3 - Chapter XIII - The Millennium Druids

Ted Smythe ted_smythe at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 14 17:04:46 UTC 2013

Ted agrees reluctantly to Jacek's conditions.

On Wed, 11/13/13, Aaron Clausen <mightymartianca at gmail.com> wrote:

[Jacek the Borg]
"I owe your friend Ted nothing." he says. "He unleashed this evil on my people, and my chieftain lies between life and death because of it. But I have now sworn myself and my people to New Camelot, and clearly my King has some trust in you. Sir Osmar has left this to me to decide, so this is my decision. If the thing can be contained and controlled, then I will not put off my peoples' rightful revenge until your quest to save Ted is completed. But the condition of my agreement is that this bound creature be surrendered to me upon the completion of the quest, and my people will agree to its fate, as Sir Osmar agreed to as part of our truce. Is that agreeable to you all?"
[/Jacek the Borg]

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