[Taocow PBEM] [Vesper, Alex, Oz and Ithdalkal] Book 3 - Chapter XIV - Belmont Abbey

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at gmail.com
Sun May 18 04:02:29 UTC 2014

>> [Louissa]
>> Suddenly Louissa's voice squawks over Alex's
>> and Oz's radios. "Alex... Oz... Come in. This is
>> Louissa, and we're hovering over the center of
>> town right now. We can only stay here a few
>> more minutes so come in. Repeat. Only have a
>> few minutes so please come in."
>> [/Louissa]

>> [GM]
>> The ship must be close, as despite being
>> underground in what looks like a concrete
>> bunker, her signal is coming through clear. Oz
>> manages to pull the lever and the door slides
>> open, revealing a long passage that does not
>> look like it has an access to the surface. There
>> is are lights at the other end of it, and what my
>> the quivering reflection of water. The crewman
>> shouts out "We better move out. Those Kydians
>> are about to blow through the door!" The door is
>> indeed smoking and white hot.
>> [/GM]

> [Vesper]
> "Above us, I can get us to it, I need a height from
> the ground to the ship deck, those cycles if they
> are hover people get on them." "Actually if it is
> less then 500' above town that will make this
> easier. Someone check those cycles." Vesper
> waits for confirmation of the ships elevation. If in
> range he will open a mystic portal to it and urge
> everyone through. He will grab something from
> the pile of items and toss it in his box as well.
> [/Vesper]

Unfortunately the cycles are conventional, and not hovercycles.

Louissa radios back a few moments later. "We're about eighty feet off the

Vesper estimates they are probably thirty or forty feet underground,
meaning the ship is hovering 110 to 120 feet above them.

> [Oz]
> "Go, go, go!" Oz urges everyone into the next
> tunnel, ready to close and lock the door behind
> them. Once they're all through, he turns back to
> Vesper. "Can you get us on the ship from here?"
> [/Oz]

> [Vesper]
> "Yes I can, I just need an elevation if you can
> have them tell me I can make it happen but
> people need to move fast."
> [/Vesper]

Keldon and his uninjured son pick up the other son and move quickly through
the door.

> [Alex]
> Alex will have her rifle pointed towards the door
> although will look above the door to see how
> tough the supports look. If it looks like the
> attackers are going to get through the door and
> she can safely collapse the doorway, she will do
> so. Otherwise, she will open fire with her JA-12
> firing controlled three blast bursts.
> [/Alex]

The supports above the doorway are made of mega damage steel, and Alex's
weapon may not be able to bring them down quickly.

Meanwhile at the other end of the room, the door gives way, the center of
it falling over as molten slag. As the first Kydian jumps through, Alex
fires [Strike: 17, Damage: 40MD]. The Kydian's armor takes quite a bit of
damage and he leaps behind some shelves. Another Kydian sticks his energy
rifle through the hole in the door and fires, striking the floor near
Alex's feet [Damage: 20MD], blasting a hole in the floor.

It can only be a few more moments before the Kydians try an all out assault.

Aaron Clausen
mightymartianca at gmail.com
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