View Full Version : Globalism / U.S. Foreign Affairs

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  1. Is Bush Afraid of Israel?
  2. ZOG and robotic warfare
  3. The Iraq Mess
  4. Strange Reactions
  5. MI5: Torture testimony 'acceptable'
  6. Rumsfeld's Personal Spy Ring
  7. US Pays Warlords To Tyrannize The Afghan People
  8. A wry scourge on the attack
  9. Interview, Colonel Hawkworth
  10. New to this forum
  11. The Gulf War Story No One Would Report
  12. Daddy, why did we attack Iraq?
  13. Tony Auth Cartoon: "Twister"
  14. New Revelation Surfaces About Guld War II "Myster
  15. Critics of US policy are racist, says Rice
  16. 'Bring us home': GIs flood US with war-weary email
  17. How neo-cons influence the Pentagon
  18. The ‘American World Empire’ Lev Navrozov
  19. Disguised U.S. Soldiers Reportedly Escape From Ira
  20. U.S. justification for war: How it stacks up now
  21. Family shot dead by panicking US Troops
  22. Empire needs more cannon fodder, says PNAC
  23. Tom Delay's website
  24. U.S. Military Apologizes to Shiite Muslims
  25. US vs. Russia in Georgia
  26. Inside the Iraqi resistance
  27. Afghan resistance takes shape
  28. Wave of Sabotage Hits Iraq, Baghdad Jail Attacked
  29. Iraqi Commander Swears He Saw US
  30. U.S. Troops Shoot Dead Reuters Cameraman in Iraq
  31. Magnet for Evil
  32. The Imperial Bluster of Tom Delay
  33. Cameraman Killed For Filming U.S. Graves
  34. Malaysian PM on Jews, Zionism & Globalism
  35. Losing the War on Terror
  36. US troops may stay in Iraq indefinitely
  37. Blackmail. Why Bush suddenly attacked Iraq
  38. Experts Doubt U.S. Claim on Iraqi Drones
  39. Lugar: US-NATO may have to keep Israeli peace
  40. US considers pumping oil from Iraq to Israel
  41. PJB: The message in the Baghdad bombing?
  42. US Mired in a Mess of Its Own Making
  43. Israel: Another Headache for Washington?
  44. Osama, Saddam, Wars, Terrorism, and the US:
  45. The Philosophers of Chaos Reap a Whirlwind
  46. PJB: Only Iraqis can save Iraq
  47. US Media underreporting Iraq casualties?
  48. Bush's Top WMD Inspector is NOT a scientist
  49. Army Sees Doubling up of Tours
  50. Israel Claims 'Lost Property' in Iraq!
  51. Mystery illness kills Missouri soldier
  52. Politicians call for more foreign troops in Iraq
  53. USA asks Russia to send troops to Iraq
  54. America vs. Europe
  55. Table of military casualties in Iraq
  56. Number of Wounded in Action on Rise
  57. Cults, Jets and Greed by Nick Griffin
  58. The Peace Plan Is Dead
  59. U.S. Says Taliban on the Run, 70 to 100 Dead
  60. Bush seeks exit strategy as war threatens career
  61. Why America's empire will kill itself!
  62. Big Blow to U.S. Peace Plan
  63. Washington�s Iraqi stooge urges mass repression
  64. Bush pals hired to rewrite Iraqi law
  65. Oklahoma Gov. to Israel Today
  66. USA Squandering Money?
  67. Ideology of the World Government
  68. Foreign Views of U.S. Darken Since Sept. 11
  69. Blue Movies Proliferate in Post-Saddam Iraq
  70. Folly Taken To A Scale We Haven't Seen Since WWII
  71. PJB: Wrong war in the wrong place
  72. Noam Chomsky: There's Good Reason to Fear US
  73. Rumsfeld Sees No Link Between Iraq, 9/11
  74. The world has mastered Americanism
  75. Iraqi media is "too free," US wants to protect Iraq with censorship
  76. Iran 'Missile-Ready': Imminent Danger?
  77. Support for Israel has cost U.S. $3 Trillion so far
  78. 'Drunk' US Soldier Shoots Rare Tiger In Baghdad Zoo
  79. Secret Slaughter By Night, Lies And Blind Eyes By Day
  80. Iraq and al Qaeda
  81. Aljazeera banned from U.S.-backed Iraqi Governing Council
  82. Is The Draft Next? By Paul Craig Roberts
  83. PJB: Iraq & Tet, George W. & LBJ
  84. Half a year after the War
  85. It's time for troops to come home
  86. Henry Kissinger/Israel -- Oy
  87. Kay Says No WMD Stocks Found in Iraq
  88. Bush: Iraq War Justified Despite No WMD
  89. Give Me Some O' That Democracy!
  92. Israel's attack is a lethal step towards war in the Middle East
  93. Yes, Bush lied
  94. Proof Of Saddam's WMDs??
  95. Which Country Is Most Corrupt?
  96. In Iraq, private contractors lighten load on U.S. troops
  97. The Real Reason We Invaded Iraq By Chuck Baldwin
  98. US soldiers bulldoze farmers' crops
  99. To Avenge Their Trees, Iraqi Farmers Threaten Resistance
  100. Turks trade troops for hard U.S. cash
  101. The results of America's use of Depleted Uranium
  102. Exporting Freedom With A Bayonet
  103. Germany, Pakistan, China; Putting the U.S. out of business
  104. US to push for Turkey's entrance in EU
  105. Sick Of Conflict
  106. Is Syria Next?
  107. Join us as we conquer the world!
  109. Why Terror?
  110. New Cheney Adviser Sets Syria In His Sights
  111. Former Tank Gunner
  112. What's Russia's Problem
  113. Showing The Love For President Bush From Around The World
  114. Abe Praises Dubya, Cites Hitler YET AGAIN!!
  115. american soilders converting to islam in guantanamo bay
  116. Taliban To Help Americans Establish Order in Afghanistan
  117. America Versus the World
  118. Tar Baby II
  119. how us media cover milatary casaulties in iraq?
  120. Lebanese Druze leader triggers US outrage with Wolfowitz jibe
  121. Attack on Syria Approved by Washington Warmongers
  122. Iran Next? [Again]
  123. The Myth of the Middle-Eastern Boogeyman
  124. How the US trained al-Qa’eda
  125. With Friends Like These
  126. Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From Investigation
  127. Saddam's hometown sealed off...ID cards to be issued
  128. Anti-Americanism or Anti-Semitism?
  129. Fifteen die as US helicopter downed
  130. No light at the end of the tunnel, George
  131. Ron Paul: Congressional Censorship
  132. Perle warns Germany: stop backing France
  133. Baghdad George
  134. All the World's a Democracy!
  135. Soros: Israeli and US policies cause anti-Semitism
  136. Phooey on Tough Talk
  137. 'I saw fit to remove her from the world'
  138. Iraq: How did we get here?
  139. Antiglobalism's Jewish Problem
  140. This should make all Americans puke!
  141. Open Letter to WorldNetDaily.com
  142. George Woodrow Carter
  143. al qaida commander anticipates 100,000 americans dead in attack
  144. China-Israel ties worry US
  145. WHY the Bush Administration would not count Bodies!
  146. US Blaming Russia First
  147. Accountability For Iraq War
  148. U.S. Workers move to Asia to reclaim lost jobs
  149. U.S. Bans Quran in Iraqi Textbooks
  150. Iraq War Deadlier than Vietnam So Far...
  151. White House Reduces Guarantees to Israel
  152. US to put duties on Chinese TVs to protect whom?
  153. Cheney instigated war, which wasn't the plan
  154. Israel, Kissinger and the 1975 MOU
  155. Politically Correct Spoil Christmas in Britain
  156. Murder Inc. by Charley Reese
  157. Saddam - Caught and Muzzled!
  158. Those Amazing Coincidences
  159. Stand Up to Sharon
  160. The audacious crowning of the craven coward, George W. Bush
  161. Who Defines 'Terrorism?'
  162. Still More Israel Fun
  163. They Hate Us For Our Freedom
  164. Just Forget That
  165. Information About Israel
  166. Uncritical Champion
  167. Pax Romana, Chaos Americana: The Tale of Two Empires
  168. Mongolia Joins World Military Force
  169. Of course the White House fears free elections in Iraq
  170. The Dark Side Of Globalism
  171. Claims vs FACTS more BUSH LIES
  173. Is ricin a WMD? -- Paul Crespo on Saddam's
  174. A Time to Break Silence
  175. The Other Superpower
  176. U.S. Marines land in Haiti
  177. Dead Leaves and Dry Bones- Wm. S. Lind
  178. the End of Globalism and the rebirth of Nationalism
  179. American Soldiers: Who Are They Fighting For?
  180. Cool-headed Commentary: Zionism and anti-Semitism
  181. Nuke Countdown Starts by SARTRE
  182. United Nations ponders Net's future
  183. HR 3077
  184. Iraq War Launched to Protect Israel: Bush Advisor
  185. The Future of trade
  186. Sharon Threatens Arafat in Interviews
  187. Simone Ledeen: Sr. Advisor of Iraqi finance!
  189. Another Ayatollah(trouble in Iraq)
  191. Workers asked to train foreign replacements
  192. The "Iraqi Invasion": A Loser from the Get-Go
  193. Growing GOP Dissent on Iraq
  194. Robert Byrd on Iraq
  195. Shia, Sunni unite in opposition against US occupation
  196. Get accustomed to casualties already!
  197. Neo-con WFB: Use poison gas on Sadr/Shiites
  198. Wisconsin female Guardsman dies in Iraq
  199. With Bush...Another Vietnam..Sam Francis
  200. Army to extend Iraq combat tours
  201. Apparently, They Had To Beat Some Freedom Into Him
  202. The Masterplan to serve Israel
  203. Bush Blows It Again
  204. Bush denies planning Iraq war shortly after 9/11
  205. john birtch society ?
  206. PJB: Bush outsources Mideast policy
  207. PCR: An American Caesar
  208. Sharon gloats over Bush backing of Gaza plan
  209. Sharon: Pledge to US not to harm Arafat no longer valid
  210. Paul Findley
  211. The Day Bush Took Gaza
  212. Gov. Jeb Bush promises U.S. commitment to Israel on Independence Day
  213. Nine of 10 Army Divisions Are Tied Down
  214. How many American dead in Iraq? Wolfowitz sez: "Oh, Only about 500"
  215. PJB: Fallujah: High Tide of Empire?
  216. Colin Powell ''Fried''--Powell's Chief of Staff Indicates Early Exit for Powell
  217. NWO-Kosovo UN troops 'fuel sex trade'
  218. Sen. Fritz Hollings names Izzy
  219. Sen. Hollings: Bush's failed Mideast policy is creating more terrorism
  220. Israeli Torture and U.S. Complicity
  221. "Plainclothes Marines?"
  222. How a secret Pentagon program came to Abu Ghraib.
  223. DeLay: US 'War on Terror' = Israel's Survival
  224. Defense Intel Agency: Chalabi group was front for Iran
  225. U.S. RETAILERS: Responsible for the GLOBAL SWEATSHOP CRISIS (Mostly Jews)
  226. 'We Killed 30 Civilians In 6 Weeks. I Felt We Were Committing Genocide'
  227. W.O.T.
  228. need link to maps of uNited nAtions 'biosphere reserves'
  229. Rallying The Armchair Troops
  230. Bilderberg Meeting Member List
  231. Privatizing War by Bob Djurdjevic
  232. NWO: Humaniratian Mission (cartoon)
  234. Gorby vs. Gipper
  235. Withdraw from UNESCO
  236. Bush told he is playing into Bin Laden's hands
  237. Iraq as the 51st state?
  238. "Where would the poor Israelis go?," some asked.
  239. Still think America can impose its will?
  240. Narratives of conquest
  241. Bush Tells France That Turkey Belongs In E.U.
  242. Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq.
  243. Blame the White Trash
  244. Israel denies claims from US general that interrogators were in Iraq
  245. The Reincarnation of Saddam Hussein
  246. The Oil Rig
  247. Franks: Threat on Israel justified pre-emption
  248. Iraq mess getting worse
  249. Jew homeland spy scandal
  250. The Neo-con global agenda exposed