[CrackMonkey] tennis anyone?

Bob Bernstein bobbern at delphi.com
Tue Feb 1 23:50:17 PST 2000

On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 09:27:25PM -0800, Peter Peterson II wrote:

> Keep your stick on the ice, Bob. 

I was once a really bad right wing for Worcester Polytech; we were so bad we
used to lose to MIT!! (Don't ask how long ago that was...)

> -- they want us to exchange our big cars and acid rain for livin' in a 
> cabin and blowin' stuff up. 

Hey...hey! Let's not drag the Tedmeister into this! They can't take credit
for him.

> They obviously want to take our 1970s era Buicks and drive them for
> themselves.

Yeah...rrrright. In their freakin' dreams!

Epilogue: now that we have that unpleasantness behind us, I confess that I
*knew* my (more or less) loose association of 'duct tape' to the Red Green
show was bound to raise eyebrows around here. I suppose I have to go to some
Godforsaken remote corner of pigdog in order to get "The History of
Anti-Canadian Sentiment on CrackMonkey"?

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA


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