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ESP evangelo at pigdog.org
Wed Feb 2 14:37:43 PST 2000

>>>>> "MLM" == Mae Ling Mak <spinster at moebius.digitalflock.org> writes:

    MM> [snip, snip] ... has been removed from CrackMonkey.

    MLM> this is the most i've seen people coming and going on
    MLM> here... it's not just me any more!

I don't get why weirdo freaks are always adding on the CM list. Where
do they find out about it? Why do they think they'll fit it? What's
their POSSIBLE motivation?


P.S. In case nobody noticed, there wasn't a "Free Jon Johansen"
protest this morning. C'est la vie.

  ESP <evangelo at pigdog.org> | http://pigdog.org/ |  RoR - Alucard

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